Mālama ‘Āina. Kiaʻi ‘Āina. Aloha ‘Āina. 

Care for the Land. Defend the Land. Love the Land.   

Young people live and lead by these words. They are driving change. Demanding government action. Using their voices. Their activism rooted in their love of the land they call home, in family and tradition is supported by Our Children’s Trust and in our growing community of supporters. Celebrate with the 13 plaintiffs in Navahine v. Hawai’i Department of Transportation in a historic settlement to protect children’s constitutional rights and achieve zero carbon emissions for ground, sea and interisland air transportation. Support our 16 plaintiffs in Held v. State of Montana as they embark on their journey to the Montana Supreme Court to uphold Judge Seeley’s landmark ruling.  

Make a tax-deducible gift today. We need your support. The Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund will match your gift dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000.  


Read the inspiring journeys of Claire, Isaac, and Kalālapa, youth plaintiffs in three of our constitutional climate lawsuits. And learn how our case history and trailblazing strategy powered us forward to climate victory in 2023.


That young people deserve to be happy and safe today and in the future. We use our legal and scientific expertise so they can tell their stories in court, in the media, and on the world stage.

Open Quote

The climate crisis is the single biggest driver of
health for every child born today.

Closed Quote

Lisa Patel, MD, MESc, Board Member, Our Children’s Trust; Executive Director, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health;
Clinical Associate Professor, Stanford Children’s Health


We exclusively represent children — free of charge — to protect their right to a stable climate.

  • We know the scientific prescription for a safe climate: return atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations to below 350 parts per million by 2100. Scientists rang the alarm, but governments have affirmatively promoted fossil fuels. To stop global heating, we bring scientists to court to show how, when, and why the fossil fuel era must end. Establishing the constitutional standard to a safe and stable climate for children and future generations sets the bar for government conduct. We seek legally binding judicial declarations that end new fossil fuel infrastructure and extraction, phase out fossil fuels no later than 2050, and restore the Earth’s energy balance.

  • Children are living through unprecedented wildfires, smoke, heat, storms, drought, and floods, and they know what needs to be done. Those in power need to listen to young people’s simple and serious demands. Trust science. Act now. Their health and their future depend on it. As advocates, our job is to make sure children’s voices are heard in courts of law, telling judges the stories of their burning lungs, lost homes, their hope, and their fear. It’s our job to obtain enforceable remedies against governments that are harming children and generations to come the politically silent majority. Constitutional impact litigation is the most important tool to secure durable climate justice.

  • We launched a global era of climate impact litigation to hold governments accountable for perpetuating the climate crisis. Emboldened and empowered by our inclusive, proactive approach, young people took to the courts, organized in the streets, and demanded that governments listen. Today, we partner with youth, lawyers, organizations, and the people to mobilize and realize the full power of our democracy. The world’s courts the third branch of government hold the power to enforce the right to life for all of our children. We train the next generation of legal minds to think big, advance the law, and boldly protect our democracy.

WE Recognize
Children’s Rights

Our work will be achieved when there is universal recognition of children’s climate rights by courts around the world and children’s fundamental rights to life on this planet are protected.



Eight young people in Alaska filed a constitutional climate lawsuit to stop the Alaska LNG Project, a massive fossil fuel megaproject that would roughly triple Alaska's greenhouse gas emissions for decades to come. The youth assert the state’s policy and actions that support the project violate their rights under Alaska’s Constitution, including their right to a climate system that sustains human life.   


Eighteen children under 18 from California filed suit against the U.S. EPA for intentionally allowing decades of life-threatening climate pollution, resulting in their loss of home, health, and happiness. They are suing for the equal rights of children everywhere, who deserve a healthy planet and future. 


After winning a groundbreaking decision in Held v. State of Montana on August 14, 2023, the state filed an appeal. On July 10, 2024, counsel for the 16 plaintiffs argued before the Montana Supreme Court to affirm the August 2023 ruling, declaring that laws that require the State to turn a blind eye to young people’s climate injuries while promoting fossil fuel activities violate their constitutional rights to a clean and healthful environment, including a livable climate, their dignity, safety and equal protection of the law. 

navahine v. Hawaiʻi dOT

Navahine v. Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation is the world’s first youth-led constitutional climate case directed at stopping climate pollution from transportation systems. On June 20, 2024, the 13 youth plaintiffs reached a landmark settlement with Hawai‘i Governor Green and HDOT Director Sinffen to fully decarbonize the state’s ground, air and interisland air transportation and protect children’s rights to a safe climate.  


For nearly nine years, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has aggressively filed motions to delay or dismiss this landmark constitutional climate case, even after U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken ruled in favor of the 21 youth plaintiffs and said they should be allowed to proceed to trial. 

Biden’s DOJ is now taking its final swing to kill this case and silence these youth for good. We say no! Act now to rally around youth and #SaveJuliana by telling the Biden Administration and the DOJ: GO TO TRIAL. We demand the Juliana 21 be heard.




A unanimous Federal Court of Appeals decision paves the path forward to trial for Canadian youth. La Rose v. His Majesty youth plaintiffs filed their Amended Statement of Claim on May 31, 2024, emphasizing the Court’s own acknowledgment that youth in Canada have the right to a safe climate system.  


Our Children’s Trust, 21 North American youth, 18 global pediatric organizations, and Defensa Ambiental del Noroeste ask the Court to abandon the deadly, politically motivated 1.5°C target in the Paris Agreement and adopt a science-based standard that will protect human rights: 350 ppm CO₂.


JULY 09, 2024 | News Coverage

Flathead Beacon

"'The evidence we put on trial shows how greenhouse gas emissions both within a state, regionally and globally are injuring citizens, particularly our youngest citizens and future generations," said Phil Gregory, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.”

JULY 10, 2024 | News Coverage


“‘We are confident that after the Supreme Court reviews the extensive trial record, including the testimony from plaintiffs and experts, it will come to the same conclusion and uphold the District Court’s ruling,” according to Bellinger.”

JULY 10, 2024 | News Coverage

Sierra Club

“For at least 60 years, our governments have known that we needed to move off of fossil fuels, or we were going to cause a climate catastrophe,” Olson told Sierra. “Government and the fossil fuel industry have worked hand in hand to keep us locked in an unjust system.”


Freedom Forum honors the 16 youth plaintiffs in Held v. State of Montana with the 2024 Free Expression Award for their use of First Amendment freedoms to file a groundbreaking lawsuit.

Montana Audobon honors the 16 youth plaintiffs in Held v. State of Montana with the Conservationist of the Year Award for their historic, winning, youth-led constitutional climate lawsuit.

EarthDay.org honors the 16 youth plaintiffs in Held v. State of Montana with the Youth Climate Leadership Award for their victory in Helena, Montana on August 14, 2023.


Wed, JULY 10

Montana Supreme Court

As we expected, the State appealed the historic win in Held v. State of Montana to the Montana Supreme Court. On July 10, attorneys for the youth plaintiffs appeared before the Montana Supreme Court to defend Judge Seleey’s historic ruling. Thank you to all who joined us and PACKED the courtroom!

Watch oral arguments here

Watch the press conference here

Read the press release here

Tues & Wed, JUNE 4-5

Pendry West Hollywood

Thank you for joining us for Mālama ‘Āina. Kia’i ‘Āina. Aloha ‘Āina. to celebrate the landmark settlement in Navahine v. Hawai‘i DOT! Together, we rallied around the youth plaintiffs who fought and secured a climate victory in their case. You heard from the youth plaintiffs, their attorneys, and experts in decarbonization, transportation, and beyond, listened to live music, ate great food, and participated in fun activities.  

If you missed the celebration, you can watch the livestream here.

Mon, JUNE 24

Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Our Children’s Trust Co-Executive Director, Mat dos Santos and Kalālapa Winter, one of the youth plaintiffs in our constitutional climate lawsuit Navahine v. Hawai‘i DOT joined leaders in entertainment and sustainability championing actional solutions to save our planet, health and future at the EMA Impact Summit. They spoke about the case and the power of youth-led climate litigation.

Learn more here