Hawai‘i Youth-Led Constitutional Climate Case Makes History
Thirteen young people across Hawai‘i made history on June 20, 2024, when they announced a historic Settlement Agreement in their constitutional climate lawsuit Navahine v. Hawai‘i Department of Transportation.

Testimony at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Advocating for Best Available Climate Science to Protect Childrens’ Right
On April 23, 24, and 25, 2024, in Bridgetown, Barbados, Kalālapaikuanalu Winter, a 20-year-old Native Hawaiian and youth plaintiff in Navahine v. Hawai‘i Department of Transportation and attorney Kelly Matheson with Our Children’s Trust, along with the backing of 21 youth and 18 pediatric associations—testified before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) about the harrowing effects of climate change on children across the globe and what humanity must do to stop the crisis.

Youth in Hawai‘i Reach Historic Climate Settlement to Decarbonize Its State Transportation Sector
I le‘a ka hula i ka ho‘opa‘a is a Hawaiian saying which translates to “the hula is pleasing because of the drummer.” Essentially, the saying means the smaller details that one pays little attention to are just as important as the major ones.

On the Bench with Delores Barr Weaver
We are proud to announce that Delores Barr Weaver created a 2024 Legacy Fund for Our Children’s Trust to advance our work to save our planet for our children’s sake. The Fund at Our Children’s Trust was established with a gift of one million dollars and serves as a fundraising challenge to our community. It is a gift designed to inspire generosity among as many people as possible.