Our Children’s Trust Government Affairs Intern Reflects on Her Week in DC, Meeting Members of Congress and Rallying to Save America’s Climate Case
Youth in the climate movement are often asked: “What keeps you going in this fight?” My new answer is witnessing and participating in the passion and hard work behind the scenes of the #SaveJuliana DC week, hosted by Our Children’s Trust.
Youth and courts have given Pres. Biden a solution to the climate crisis. He should use it.
In the landmark Held v. State of Montana decision last year, a trial court found in favor of 16 children and young adults who sued the state for its role in contributing to climate change. As two of the 21 youth plaintiffs in another Constitutional climate case, Juliana v. United States, we believe this groundbreaking decision can light a path toward comprehensive climate action at the federal level.
Standing in Solidarity with the Juliana 21
Layla, the named plaintiff in Layla v. Commonwealth of Virginia, joined hundreds of supporters in demanding justice for Juliana on Earth Day weekend. Standing in front of the White House, she gave a compelling speech:
Juliana Youth Plaintiff Gives Moving Speech During D.C. Rally Urging President Biden to Let the Youth be Heard
On April 21, 2024, youth plaintiffs in Juliana v. U.S., Genesis v. EPA, Held v. State of Montana and Layla v. Commonwealth of Virginia led a powerful rally for youth-led climate rights at the White House in Washington DC. The “My Voice. My Rights. Our Future.” rally to #SaveJuliana follows nearly nine years and 22 attempts through three presidential administrations to kill the only case in the U.S. targeting the federal government for its actions that not only exacerbate the climate crisis and disproportionately harm our youngest generation, but also violate their fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property.

Why Climate Boomers Back the Kids in Youth v. Gov — and how you can help
Across the United States and the world, kids are suing governments for supporting the fossil fuel industry, harming them and endangering their futures. Elders are lining up to support these cases. Here’s how you can help.
My Voice. My Rights. Our Future: Why this Juliana Plaintiff Continues to Fight for Climate Justice
At the beginning of the new year, United States District Court Judge Ann Aiken again delivered a clarion call for the world when she denied the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) motion to dismiss Juliana v. United States, the landmark constitutional climate lawsuit against the federal government filed by 21 young people across the country – me being one of them.