A livable climate is our constitutional right. In Juliana v. United States, 21 youth plaintiffs are taking the federal government to court and holding them accountable for their actions that are fueling the climate crisis. They are leading America’s climate case, for all of us, and they need us with them!

We need your help urgently to save America’s Climate Case 

Here’s what’s happening:

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is taking one final swing—their 22nd attempt—to try to “kill Juliana v. United States.”

The DOJ is abusing emergency powers in an unprecedented attempt to rip the case out of the normal legal process—a Trump Administration move known as a Petition for a Writ of Mandamus. No other case in history has faced this level of government persecution. Out of 40,000+ cases currently in front of the DOJ, these extreme legal tactics have only been used against ONE case: Juliana.

If they succeed, the Juliana 21 won’t be heard in open court.

BACKGROUND: On March 21, 2024, the Juliana 21 filed their FINAL request to be heard at trial in the U.S. Court of Appeals. Then on April 21st, more than 200 of you joined us in D.C. at the White House for the My Voice. My Rights. Our Future rally to #SaveJuliana. Together, we got LOUD and demanded President Biden tell his Department of Justice to go to trial and let the youth be heard! Read our blog post on the #SaveJuliana DC week and the youth plaintiffs’ visit to Congress.  

BREAKING: In an unjust decision on May 1, 2024, three Trump-appointed judges, on behalf of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, erroneously granted Biden’s DOJ’s seventh petition for writ of mandamus and directed Judge Ann Aiken to dismiss Juliana v. United States. Read the press release. 

The fight is not over! Read the latest here. President Biden holds the power: he can still come to the settlement table and tell his DOJ to pull back their attacks and let Juliana go to trial. 

Click here to read Plaintiffs' expert Joseph Stiglitz, Professor at Columbia University, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and a lead author of the 1995 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, explaining why what the DOJ is arguing is “ludicrous.”

If we succeed, the youth will go to trial and they will win—and compel the United States, the BIGGEST contributor to climate change in the world, to make systemic change and phase out fossil fuels. 

Take action now. Rally around the youth plaintiffs and demand their voices are heard! #SaveJuliana

Check out the video of former DOJ Deputy Assistant Attorney General Eric Grant as he explains that his “number one priority from day 1 was to kill Juliana v. United States.”

Here’s what you can do:

Save Juliana! Get Loud With Us!

We’re in a critical window for action now, and we need a steady drumbeat from ALL of our voices!

1. Tell the Biden Administration and the DOJ: GO TO TRIAL.

It takes just one minute to submit this pre-filled email form that goes directly to Biden officials and the DOJ. Feel free to use your own words in the email. The People vs. Fossil Fuels coalition, in coordination with Our Children’s Trust, is once again joining the Juliana 21 by hosting this critical action.

2. Post on social media, send emails, and share videos.

Whether you’re an organization, creator, or passionate advocate, one of the most impactful ways you can help is by spreading the word on your channels. We’ve made it easy for you with amplification toolkits (below) with ready-to-go graphics, social media copy, a video script for TikTok/Instagram Reel, email copy, and more for you to call your audiences, activists, friends and family to action.

3. Rally around the Juliana youth. Join this coalition-driven effort to #SaveJuliana.

If you’re an organization, you can also support us by joining the #SaveJuliana coalition—that means you commit to including your organization’s name and/or logo here, and using the Partner and Supporter Toolkit above to amplify and/or launch a digital campaign on your channels.

To join us, fill-in this FORM. In this form, let us know if you’d like to share a high-resolution copy of your logo.

4. Stay tuned for upcoming actions to support the Juliana youth.

Check back for more information on a future organizational sign-on letter or demonstration! For more information, contact Liz Lee at

*Check out our list of partners in the #SaveJuliana Coalition below!*


Thank you for your support! To join our coalition, fill-in this form.

See the up-to-date list of 80+ coalition members here.

Accelerate Neighborhood Climate Action

Action for the Climate Emergency

Animals Are Sentient Beings, Inc.

ARTivism Virginia

Bay Area-System Change not Climate Change

Businesses for a Livable Climate

Call to Action Colorado

CatholicNetwork US

Cercle des Jeunes Ambassadeurs du Climat (CJAC

Change the Chamber Lobby for Climate

Chesapeake Climate Action Network

Citizens Climate Lobby, Santa Cruz Chapter

Climate Families NYC

Colorado Businesses for a Livable Climate

Colorado Rising for Communities

Community for Sustainable Energy

Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania

Creation Justice Ministries

DC Environmental Network

Elders Climate Action Maryland

Elders Climate Action (ECA) NorCal Chapter

Elders Climate Action (ECA) SoCal Chapter

Environmental Education Fund

Environmental Law Society at UC Davis

Environmental Justice Ministry Team, Cedar Lane UU Congregation

Extinction Rebellion America

Extinction Rebellion Los Angeles

Families for a Livable Climate

Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology (FUSEE)

Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice

Franciscan Peace Center, Clinton, Iowa

FreshWater Accountability Project

Fridays for Future DC

Fridays For Future NYC

Fridays For Future Orange County

Friends of the Earth United States

Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility

Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance


Gulf Reach Institute

Human Nature

Indivisible Ambassadors

Institutional Climate Action UW Chapter

Interstate 70 Citizens Advisory Group

Islander Green Team

Larimer Alliance for Health, Safety, & Environment

Littleton Business Alliance

Marin Interfaith Climate Action

Mayfair Park Neighborhood Association

Mental Health & Inclusion Ministries

Mind's Eye Productions

Montbello Neighborhood Improvement Association

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment(NACCE)

North Range Concerned Citizens

Nuclear Energy and Information Service (NEIS)

Oil and Gas Action Network

One Green Thing

Oregon Citizens for an Environmental Rights Amendment (OCERA)

Our Children’s Trust

Our Sacred Earth

Oxfam America

Parliament of the World’s Religions

PAX Community

Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane

People vs. Fossil Fuels

RapidShift Network

Rogue Climate

Save the Environmental Protection Agency

Small Business Alliance

SOMA Action

South Seattle Climate Action Network

Southwest Organization for Sustainability

Spirit of the Sun

Students for Local Action

Sustainable Mill Valley

Sustain US

System Change Not Climate Change

Texas Campaign for the Environment

The Climate Reality Greater Maryland

The Green House Connection Center

The Parents' Climate Community

The River Project

Third Act Richmond

Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice

Unite North Metro Denver

Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action

Wall of Women

Western Slope Businesses for a Livable Climate

Womxn from the Mountain

Working for Racial Equity

Zero Hour

198 Methods

350 Colorado

350 Conejo / San Fernando Valley

350 Hawaii

350 Mass