Law Clerk

Hannah is from Rhode Island but spent her undergraduate years in Burlington, Vermont. She now lives in Manhattan where she attends law school. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies with a minor in Public Policy from the University of Vermont and is now pursuing a joint degree program. She attends Pace Law in White Plains, NY for her J.D., and next fall she will begin her Masters of Environmental Management at the Yale School of the Environment. 

She has always been interested in the environment and tried many different areas of work before finding her focus, which is environmental health rights. She took time off after her undergraduate years to work and travel, then returned to law because she felt it was the most direct approach to improving people’s lives in the present. 

She is excited to join a team whose mission she wholly believes in. She appreciates that Our Children’s Trust recognizes the gravity of the climate crisis and is demanding real solutions immediately. In her free time, she likes to read, play pickleball, tennis, and cook.