Active STATE
Legal Actions


On August 14, in an historic first, Judge Seeley ruled wholly in favor of the 16 youth plaintiffs in Held v. State of Montana, declaring that the state of Montana violated the youth’s constitutional rights, including their rights to equal protection, dignity, liberty, health and safety, and public trust, which are all predicated on their right to a clean and healthful environment. The court invalidated as unconstitutional and enjoined Montana laws that promoted fossil fuels and required turning a blind eye to climate change. The court ruled the youth plaintiffs had proven their standing to bring the case by showing significant injuries, the government’s substantial role in causing them, and that a judgment in their favor would change the government’s conduct. 

On September 29, 2023, the state filed its appeal to the Montana Supreme Court, followed by a request to stay the ruling on October 16, 2023, which Judge Seeley denied on November 21, 2023. On December 1, 2023, the state filed another motion to stay with the Montana Supreme Court, which was also denied in January 2024. Then on March 13, 2024, the youth plaintiffs filed an answer brief in response to the State’s appeal to the Montana Supreme Court. Following that brief between March 13 and April 4, 2024, scores of organizations and individuals filed 11 amicus briefs in support of the youth plaintiffs.

On May 20, 2024, the Montana Supreme Court set dates for oral arguments on July 10, 2024, at the Montana State Capitol in Helena at 9:30 am, where the attorneys for the youth plaintiffs will underscore the importance of upholding Judge Seeley’s historic landmark ruling.   

Attend the hearing and support the youth plaintiffs! 

What: Oral Arguments in Held v. State of Montana 

When: July 10, 2024, at 9:30am  

Where: Montana Supreme Court, Joseph P. Mazurek Justice Building, 215 N. Sanders in Helena, Montana

Plan to arrive at court at 8:30 am MDT to welcome the plaintiffs as they arrive at the courthouse and secure a seat.

RSVP to join us in person. 

RSVP to join us online.

Current Status

Our Children’s Trust has represented young people in Montana legal actions since 2011, most recently in the youth-led constitutional climate lawsuit, Held v. State of Montana.

On March 13, 2020, 16 young people from across the state of Montana filed their constitutional climate lawsuit against the state of Montana, asserting that, by supporting a fossil fuel-driven energy system, which is contributing to the climate crisis, Montana is violating their constitutional rights to a clean and healthful environment; to seek safety, health, and happiness; and to individual dignity and equal protection of the law. The youth plaintiffs also argue that the state’s fossil fuel energy system is degrading and depleting Montana’s constitutionally protected public trust resources, including the atmosphere, rivers and lakes, and fish and wildlife.

The youth plaintiffs are represented by Nate Bellinger, Philip Gregory, Julia Olson, Andrea Rodgers, and David Schwartz with Our Children’s Trust; Melissa Hornbein and Barbara Chillcott with Western Environmental Law Center; and Roger Sullivan with McGarvey Law.

Learn why youth plaintiffs, family and friends joined Held v. State of Montana, and what the ruling means on the ground.

major moments timeline

The following is a timeline of major moments, filings, and rulings in Held v. State of Montana, from 2020 to today: