Otis W.

Age: 15 | Hometown: Salt Lake City, UTah

Otis rides his bike for fun and exercise, and as much as possible for transportation to avoid creating additional pollution, including the three miles to and three miles back from his school. However, because of the dangerous air quality in Utah resulting from fossil fuel development and wildfire smoke, Otis is often exposed to dangerous air quality while biking and it’s often unsafe for him to even ride his bike.

Otis enjoys skiing on Utah’s famous slopes. However, warming temperatures, decreased snowfall and snowpack, and shortening winters mean that Otis is, and increasingly will be, able to ski less often and may not be able to ski at all in the future. When Otis can go skiing, conditions are often icy or patchy as climate change increases rain-on-snow events and thaws before subsequent freezes, making it more dangerous and difficult for Otis to get the exercise he needs for his health and development.

Otis does what he can to reduce the impacts of climate change. When he was young, he participated in the Tar Sand protests, and in addition to riding his bike, he also takes the bus and eats a vegetarian diet. Climate change is a big concern for Otis – he worries about how it is affecting his education and how it will affect his future.