Raquel Martins Maia Prado

Climate Science Intern

Raquel is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and she is currently based in Syracuse, New York. She is currently completing her Master’s in Public Administration at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. 

Her work focuses on climate justice, and intertwined scientific, social, and political dimensions of climate issues. She is the founder of Migraclima, an initiative advocating for climate refugees. 

She is most excited to engage in meaningful work that ensures environmental justice for the youth and future generations who will face the brunt of climate impacts. She finds that OCT's commitment to securing the legal rights to a safe and stable climate for both present and future generations is not just inspiring—it’s imperative. 

She loves the outdoors, including activities like hiking, exploring new places, and swimming. She also likes attending live concerts and visiting museums. When it's cold, she prefers to stay home writing, cooking new recipes, and trying new cuisines at restaurants!