October 15, 2024: Parties Appear in Court for Hearing on Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss
The parties appeared before Judge Dani R. Crosby of the Superior Court of Alaska. Andrew Welle, lead attorney to the plaintiffs, argued that the youth plaintiffs are currently facing a health emergency due to devastating impacts such as flooding, wildfires, and declining salmon populations because of existing levels of climate pollution. “With full knowledge of these dangers, their government has codified a law requiring the State to develop the Alaska LNG Project, which would triple Alaska’s climate pollution for decades, locking in additional escalating and irreversible harms to the youth” he stated. This lawsuit seeks to vindicate their rights under Alaska’s Constitution to equal access to and sustainable yield of public trust resources and a climate that sustains life, liberty, and dignity. The youth seek to stop the Alaska LNG Project and prevent the harms it would cause them.